Keeping communities together - QV, Moon, Findlay

All of Quaker Valley must be kept together. It should not be the splitting point of redistricting maps simply because it has so many boroughs and municipalities. Quaker Valley School district comprises 11 boroughs and municipalities. Each of the boroughs and municipalities work together on roads (ie repair and landslides). And Quaker Valley is a small school district (1,800 enrollment) spread across 11 municipalities. Thus, the following 11 should be kept together into one House District. Aleppo Township, Bell Acres Borough, Edgeworth Borough, Glenfield Borough, Glen Osborne Borough, Haysville Borough, Leet Township, Leetsdale Borough, Sewickley Borough, Sewickley Heights Borough, Sewickley Hills Borough. Splitting up a very small school district when the area is already split with so many small boroughs is unfair to residents. As the Mayor of Sewickley Heights this is important as we share water snd sewer as well. Additionally, “the valley” is one community of interest and thus Quaker Valley and Moon should also be in the same House or Senate district.