Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
Participate in the Redistricting Process
Each decade, Pennsylvania uses data from the United States Census Bureau to complete the Constitutionally-required process of setting Congressional and Legislative district boundaries. The Legislative Reapportionment Commission invites all citizens of Pennsylvania to provide their input and feedback. Through this website you can:
- Submit Written Testimony. Provide written public comment to the Commission.
- Upload a File. Provide a SHAPE or Block-equivalency file that details a community of interest or statewide map.
- Draw a Statewide Map. Using free third-party websites, you can draw your own statewide map and submit to the Commission.
The Commission is making use of this tool to secure comments from the public. We do not have the capacity to answer submitted questions, and they will receive no response.
All submissions are subject to content moderation, and will be reviewed before being made publicly available on this website.
The time allowed under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Pennsylvania Constitution to
submit legal exceptions to the preliminary plan has expired,
and the comment section of this website is now disabled.
To view all submissions that were submitted,
click here.
Drawing Districts

The Commission certified data as usable on October 25 and immediately provided that data to the free software mapping providers. District Builder quickly confirmed that it had loaded the certified data, and the Commission began accepting citizen maps submitted through District Builder. Though there had been a technical issue with Dave's Redisticting App, that issue now has been resolved, and the Commission also is accepting maps submitted through Dave's. Districtr appears not to have loaded the certified data.
Use one of these free mapping tools to create your own statewide map of Pennsylvania's 203 House and 50 Senate districts.
- DistrictBuilder
- Dave's Redistricting
- *** 11/04/2021: Districtr has not yet loaded the 2021 Adjusted data, and cannot be submitted at this time.
- Districtr
Once you have completed your map, click the "Share" button, to copy a shareable link for your map that anyone can view. You can then paste that link into the URL field of our district plan form, and submit it to the Legislative Reapportionment Commission.
The Legislative Reapportionment Commission is moving forward with its work under significant time constraints. To ensure that your map receives consideration, please get it in as early as possible.
Need More Help?
For directions on how to use the comment form to submit your map, please review this document outlining the steps.
Drawing a plan can be difficult. The teams behind many popular district building tools have resources for you to use:
- District Builder
- Dave's Redistricting
- *** 11/04/2021: Districtr has not yet loaded the 2021 Adjusted data, and cannot be submitted at this time.
- Districtr
Public Submissions
Online testimony is not the only way you can participate. Visit our public hearings page to see a schedule of upcoming meetings to attend.