Lycoming County

Please do not mess with our district. • The Pine Creek Valley (Cummings, Watson, McHenry, Brown Townships), Jersey Shore Borough, the Nippenose Valley (Nippenose, Limestone and Bastress Townships) and the greater Salladasburg Borough area (Salladasburg Borough, Mifflin, Porter and Piatt Townships) all attend Jersey Shore Area School District. These communities are Communities of Common Interest. Their children play sports together, participate in extracurricular activities together and work together at the same local small businesses. The same Volunteer Fire Companies cover all these areas and they train and serve together. The Route 220 Interchange serves a central transportation hub for this area. Also, many of the municipalities are served by the Tiadaghton Valley Regional Police Department. • Hepburn Township, Lewis Township and Lycoming Township are communities of Common Interest. All their children attend the Williamsport Area School District. They play sports together, participate in extracurricular activities together and are covered by the same Volunteer Fire Companies. The Route 15 Corridor serves a main artery for these municipalities and the businesses located within their boundaries. • Montoursville Borough, Eldred Township, Fairfield Township, Upper Fairfield Township and Plunketts Creek Township are communities of Common Interest. All their children attend the Montoursville Area School District, play sports together, participate in extracurricular activities together and are covered by the same Volunteer Fire Companies. The Route 87 Corridor is a main roadway that connects these five municipalities with one another. • Communities in the Eastern End of Lycoming County like Muncy Borough, Hughesville Borough, Wolf Township, Muncy Township and Muncy Creek Township are communities of Common Interest. These kids attend the same school districts, play sports against one another and participate in many of the same extracurricular activities together. Additionally, these students are provided an opportunity to attend Lycoming Career and Technology Center together to learn trade skills that will prepare them for the workforce. The three police departments in this end of the county, Muncy Borough, Muncy Township and Hughesville Borough, work closely together due to their limited resources as small municipal police departments. • The 84th House District as it currently is drawn is nestled within the West Branch of the Susquehanna River from Jersey Shore to Muncy. Additionally, communities along Lycoming Creek and Loyalsock Creek which empty into the West Branch encompass the 84th District. • Lycoming County is home to two State House districts, one being urban (83rd) and the other suburban/rural (84th). The districts as currently drawn fit this unique makeup and accurately reflect the communities of Common Interest.