Against the "People's Map" and Disingenuity

I see that the organization for "Fair Districts PA" is doing its part by getting its group members to post to the site in support of their "people's map". While they absolutely have the right to do so, let's not be fooled into thinking this is some sort of non-partisan organization without partisan goals. Using buzz words like "fair", "equitable", and "communities of interest" is a clever means of leveraging left-wing grassroots activism into mainstream language. It's the same play from the same playbook the political left has been advocating since the dawn of the New Left. Just because the words "fair" and "people's" are utilized doesn't make it an ideal map(see countries with the words "People's Republic of...." and you catch my drift). You cannot take politics out of redistricting, because redistricting by nature is a political act. Major players in one particular party representing the left have been saying very clearly for years that they understood they were outmaneuvered at the state level ins 2010-2012, and that they would dedicate major funding and backing to fight back. That's also within their rights to do so, but again, they recognized it was a political fight. And they're using language to their advantage again (I ask you to look at many of the left-wing movements and the language they utilize that make it difficult to disparage). Framing one side as the "fair" and "people's" is disingenuous. The left has been very cognizant of the chosen language because who could be against "fair" and "the people", right? Great marketing and political strategy. Of course, we want "fair" (whatever that means politically). I think it goes without saying that citizens do not want obscure gerrymander shapes and they do want districts to be relatively compact. But beyond that, don't let any of the political language fool you. This "people's map" is a partisan map meant to leverage a process for left-leaning partisan means, while also doing just enough with particular demographics to say it's "balanced". I applaud the political strategy but want people to recognize how politics is played. Don't be duped.