Shattering a Community
I'm a lifelong (more or less) Manor Township resident. Back in the day, I went to Penn Manor, as did my parents and grandparents. Now my kids are at Penn Manor and I find myself on the Penn Manor School Board. So imagine how I feel when I see that 'redistricting' will chop my district up FOUR WAYS. I'm sure there is wonderful logic to this but I really don't see it. Clearly, whoever did this doesn't know the area (and should perhaps glance at a map). We have very little in common with our proposed district mates. It's not that far of a drive but it's a huge divide in every other way. Splitting up Manor Township is so wrong. Leave the 41st alone! In a day where politicians trip over each other to prevent disenfranchisement, what would you call this? This decision would make us refugees.