Keep Norristown Together
I'm writing as a lifetime Norristownian, having grown up and attended schools in Norristown and currently the President of the Norristown NAACP. I have seen and experienced first-hand how my community is always left behind and our schools always underfunded, leaving me and my children to have less access to opportunities and the bare essentials that other neighboring, more caucasion and wealthy areas have. I'm pleased to see that an opportunity district, HD 54 was created, but ask that the LRC truly create a real opportunity district by keeping our school district together. Norristown should be with its neighboring East Norriton and West Norriton, instead of with Conshohocken and Plymouth (the proposed HD 54 also divides the Colonial School District). Not only would there still be an open seat with no current incumbent if the school district is kept together, but our underfunded, majority-minority, and poor school district will be able to advocate with a unified voice in Harrisburg for the first time in over 20 years. Please keep our community together. I also ask that you redraw the proposed maps so that instead of favoring incumbents, we have truly representational districts. Despite being the third largest PA county, MontCo only has one full district when it could have 3, is split 5 times with 4 other counties (Philly 2x), and is overpopulated in all 6 districts in the fast growing region of PA. Thus, our voices are diluted and our representational power is weakened all to favor keeping incumbents safe. #Keep Norristown School District Together #HD54 #Norristown