HD 168 Gerrymandering

we need to keep our communities with common interests WHOLE! "As a resident of Upper Providence Township, I find the new gerrymandered maps to be unfair and partisan. To split the Rose Tree Media School District and divide so many areas of the Media zip code is not in our community's best interest. Rep. Quinn's previous 168th District was extremely competitive. President Biden and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton both won the district, yet Republicans Senator Toomey and Rep. Quinn have also won the district. It is also important to note that the last two state house elections have come down to 450 and 800 vote margins. The new district would allow Democrats to go from a 10 point advantage in voter registration, to 23-point advantage! How is this fair or competitive? Please keep our communities and school districts whole in the name of bipartisanship and allow all of our voices to be heard.