Keep Quaker Valley School District in ONE DISTRICT

To whom it may concern: I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping Quaker Valley School District together in ONE state house district. As an elected official in Bell Acres, a lifelong resident of Bell Acres, and a proud QV alum, it's very important that the 11 municipalities that make up QV fall into one house district. QV is unique in the fact that we are a smaller school district, but have 11 separate municipalities. All 11 municipalities rely on their neighbors in one way or another. Not only do all 11 municipalities share a school district, but they also share police patrols, water and sewage, and an ambulance authority. Representatives are crucial for grants and infrastructure development. QV has been plagued with landslides over the last few years and ONE house member should be overseeing these projects...not two or three. KEEP QV SCHOOL DISTRICT IN ONE HOUSE DISTRICT.