January 18, 2022 Chairman Nordenberg 2021 Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission P.O. Box 203079 Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Chairman Nordenberg, It is my understanding that the proposed redistricting in Pennsylvania would remove Representative Frank Farry as our State Representative. His removal would impose an unfair burden on the residents of Upper Southampton Township. Representative Farry has been instrumental in assisting the Upper Southampton Municipal Authority is securing Department of Community and Economic Development infrastructure improvement grants, access to the Military Installation Remediation grant funds and various other assistance for most needed infrastructure which are sorely needed in our area. Furthermore, Representative Farry has voluntarily attended retirement ceremonies for long time employees and presented commendations to our valued staff. His “work” with us is more of a mission it seems and the loss of such a Representative, we fear, would result in required rate increases due to the absence of grant funds, which would severely harm our fixed income senior residents which represent the bulk of our demographic. The lack of a committee member from our region, we believe, could be impacting the redistricting proposal and we wish to relay our strenuous objection as well as our respectful request that Representative Farry remain our representative. Please feel free to contact the undersigned should you require further information. Sincerely, Barbara A. O’Neill Assistant Authority Manager Upper Southampton Municipal Authority