Bucks County Map 1B

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The Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission draft map for Bucks County is not fair, not competitive, nor is it balanced. It moves over 211,000 Bucks County residents into new legislative districts reducing the number of competitive districts from seven (7) to two (2). The draft map even received a grade of “F” from the Princeton Gerrymandering Project: https://gerrymander.princeton.edu/redistricting-report-card?planId=rec5Vr4cdGc0rt375 . The LRC’s draft map negatively impacts almost 80% of Bucks County voters by taking away their voices at the polls by making primary elections the deciding factor in our county’s representation in Harrisburg. With the recent census, there was not a "radical" population shift in Bucks County that would warrant a "radical" change in the Bucks County PA State House Districts. I fully support the Bucks County Map 1B (attached). It is fair, competitive, and unbiased. It will better serve the residents of Bucks in our county’s representation in Harrisburg and ensure competitive elections. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comment.