More compact, more equal pop, no town splits; CCFD

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LRC Senate Map Deficiency o In all regions the LRC’s draft Senate map prioritized incumbent protection that sustained one district for each incumbent Senator. This priority was elevated above the 4 required constitutional requirements - compact, contiguous, equal population and few splits. The result was highly gerrymandered districts, in particular for urban and suburban areas. Another outcome was widely distributed population variances statewide from under populated districts in Western PA and over populated districts in Eastern PA. Mitigation o By recrafting whole regions, the adverse impact of incumbent protection can be mitigated. o Using the method established by Concerned Citizens for Democracy (CCFD) with layered boundaries, far improved redistricting results are established. These include NO splits in municipalities and city wards, increased compactness metrics and in many cases reduction of population variance below +/-2%. o Only as a fine-tuning measure were incumbent addresses consulted and changes made to minimize the number of double and empty box districts. The result is all but one incumbent retains their districts but this map is far better with compactness than the LRC's draft Senate map.

Quantitative Analysis

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