LRC Bucks County Map

My name is Andrew Warren, for fifteen years (1980--1995) I served as an elected County Commissioner of Bucks County. During the entirety of my time in office I was, and remain today, a staunch opponent of the anti-democratic practice known as gerrymandering. Upon leaving elected office I continued my opposition to gerrymandering by joining with like-minded individuals Carol Kuniholm and Ardith Talbot, to name two, as an active and vocal member of FAIR DISTRICTS PA---Bucks County chapter. In support of the goals of FAIR DISTRICTS PA I initiated and coordinated a bi-partisan letter-to-the-editor to all Bucks County media outlets. The letter was signed by 15 former Bucks County elected officials (9 Republicans, 6 Democrat, 1 Lt. Gov./Gov., 5 members of Congress, 5 members of PA General Assembly, 4 County Commissioners). While my personal opposition to the practice of gerrymandering has not wavered, my public participation has ceased since 2017. During the summer of 2017 a lawsuit was filed that, in my opinion, was a poorly vailed attempt to take the "district re-drawing pen" from the hands of the Republican Party and place it into the hands of the Democrat Party. As fervently as my FAIR DISTRICTS PA friends attempted to persuade me that would not be the case; I remained unconvinced. Sadly, if the "LRC--BUCKS COUNTY MAP" suggested by your commission is any indication; my worst fears of 2017 have become my worst reality in 2022. January 13, 2022 an editorial appearing in THE COURIER TIMES newspaper stated in part, "The commission that's drafted the Pennsylvania House of Representatives' new legislative districts has done Bucks County voters a grave disservice. ... Its proposed map reduces the number of competitive districts here from seven to two out of 10, according to an analysis we trust." On behalf of myself, 15 bi-partisan signers of a 2016 letter and all Bucks County voters I implore the LRC COMMISSION to re-examine the proposed LRC Bucks County Map as currently re-drawn. Andrew L. Warren