Do Not Split Mechanicsburg Borough

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Mechanicsburg Borough Council unanimously opposes the proposed map for the State House districts recently passed by the Legislative Redistricting Commission. (EXHIBIT A) This proposed map splits the Borough of Mechanicsburg into two separate House districts, the 87th District and 88th District. The proposal splits the Borough’s community through the center of town, directly through the town square at the intersection of Main and Market streets. Although splitting municipalities is ultimately unavoidable, in this instance it was not necessary to achieve a fair and balanced map. The proposed map actually increases the divide between communities of interest rather than keeping them together, such as the Borough together with the Mechanicsburg School District. Article 2, Section 16 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania provides that House districts “shall be composed of compact and contiguous territory as nearly equal in population as practicable.” It further states that “Unless absolutely necessary no county, city, incorporated town, borough, township or ward shall be divided in forming either a senatorial or representative district.” The current proposal for our region does not meet the mandate of the Constitution to be compact in territory and avoid splitting municipalities unless absolutely necessary. The Borough of Mechanicsburg is a small compact contiguous municipality comprising 2.6 square miles and a population of slightly more than 9,000 people. It can be incorporated into a single house district in its entirety.

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