Pennsylvania State redistricting effort

The Pennsylvania State Constitution guarantees that redistricting should avoid municipal splits, and there is good reason for this. We should not be dividing communities of interest because, in so doing, you are purposefully diluting the voice of that community by infusing the voting district with demographics that no longer represent the district. Voting and representation in the legislative process are the foundation of our Constitutional Republic. Redistricting must be based on community, geography, school districts, and natural boundaries. We are not an Ochlocracy, however, redistricting based on political pockets giving one partisan group advantage or a tyranny of the minority by the majority is building the foundation for turning our Constitutional Republic into one. At the very least, there should be hearings and /or questions identified on the ballet to ask voters if they want to be aligned with cities like Philadelphia and Reading whose interests and issues may most probably be polar opposite of the suburban district. The suburban districts are losing their voice in congress. This is outrageous and must be stopped. I urge you to stop this redistricting and put a hold on this effort until it can be properly vetted and understood.