redistricting bias

it is obvious that the Democrat party, where it has power, fails to govern with restraint and operate within the bounds of our State and Federal constitutions. Governor Wolf (D), was rebuked in court by the Butler Co. vs. Wolf court decision over multiple violations of the Constitution. He was again rebuked in the 2021 primary election with the passing of two constitutional amendments that restrained the executive branch’s use of emergency powers due to the abuse of these powers. This should not have been necessary, but the executive branch and generally all Democrats in the legislature remained in lock-step political alliance, regardless of the PA Constitution or the will of the voters. Why is this relevant? Because it’s an example of how a permanent Democrat majority in the legislature that also has control over the executive branch, will behave when in the possession of a majority. They will ignore the Constitution and they will ignore the voices of those who are not registered Democrats. Pennsylvania may very well be on the road to looking like New York and California. We expect our rights to be honored by all those in power at all times, tragically the Democrats have shown time and again that power corrupts them, absolutely, and they are not to be trusted.