Competition Breeds Excellence in Bucks County

I am writing to voice my opposition to the State Assembly districts as drawn in the LRC's proposed map. The LRC's proposed map creates 7 (out of 10) legislative districts that would be unwinnable by one party or the other. That's not good. We need competitive districts (the type that are considered more of a "toss up"). Competition encourages excellence, innovation and provides accountability. If drawn correctly, most of Bucks County is nicely competitive. Lack of competition is bad. It sews division and invites apathy and extremism. Nobody wants that. The citizens of Bucks County want a vibrant and healthy political playing field. Map 1B, drawn by the Bucks County Legislators, for instance, suggests districts (for the most part) that are more competitive. The citizens of Bucks County want State Assembly districts that divide our communities and school districts as little as possible while keeping the number of registered Democrats and the number of registered Republicans as even as possible for as many districts as geographically feasible.