Comment on save our community

I live in Bethlehem. I don't want anything to do with Allentown. Allentown is a sanctuary city and I don't believe in sanctuary cities. The Biden administration just dumped planes loaded with illegal aliens on Christmas. The tax payers have to foot the bill for these illegals. That is not fair!! If they want to come to the USA, come in the LEGAL way. The so called Biden administration does not follow remain in Mexico rule. These illegals are a burden to our communities. They are also not tested for Covid or vaxed. PA didn't follow their own PA Constitution laws in the 2020 election. That needs to get corrected!! Every vote needs to count the LEGAL way. Side note: Everything the democrats (and I use to be one) touch turns to crap. If the Lehigh Valley starts turning into Philadelphia and if PA turns into a bluer state, a lot more people will be moving to red states. People are starting to wake up and are tired of the BS and heading to where they feel safe and have the same values.