House map generally good, but not Allegheny Co.
Overall, the LRC Preliminary House Map is a huge improvement from the current map. More districts are compact and reasonably shaped. There is less splitting. There is greater partisan fairness. However, there is plenty of room for improvement to the Preliminary map, particularly in my home district, city and county. The proposed version of my current district, HD 19, is equally non compact (serpentine) as the current district, and it splits off most of the Hill District from the rest of my neighborhood (Uptown / Lower Hill) and puts us in HD 24 with the northeastern most Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Highland Park and Homewood. Meanwhile African Americans in Allegheny County have reduced opportunity in the proposed map: HD 19 black VAP goes from 42.4% to 37.5% HD 24 black VAP from 48.9% to 41.5% I am proposing a map based on the LRC preliminary map that reduces municipality and ward splitting and that improves both compactness and African American opportunity in Allegheny County, and it maintains partisan fairness. My map has HD 19 with black VAP 42.6% HD 24 with black VAP 61.3% HD 35 with black VAP 38.2% My proposed revision of the LRC preliminary map: Thank you for your consideration.