Commentary on redistributing
I live in Lower Mt. Bethel Township. I have been a resident here for 40 years originally moving from New Jersey. Navigating my new residency became frustrating when I realized the Township was divided into an upper and lower district for voting depending on which school district my home located in. I have never understood that while I am in the Bangor School district, a home a little over a mile down Rt. 611S is in the Easton School District. Less than a mile out of Martin’s Creek, Franklin Hill Road is in the Bangor School District. I have a Bangor address while Martin’s Creek residents have a post office. My street, Upper Little Creek Rd. Is divided by two school districts, therefore two voting districts. How confusing. Now, the proposed redistributing is splitting townships again, although I understand the school district assignments will remain the same. Is there that much of an advantage to assigning two areas(Portland and Upper Mt. Bethel) to Monroe County just based on census data? If there is no change in school districts how much attention will legislators give to the education of children in these towns and who will then represent them appropriately? I can only imagine the confusion the redistributing will cause. I still have to remind myself each time I vote as to which district I’m in, the upper or lower district so I know which end of the voting place I go to. All of this sounds so political and not sensible.