East Falls (Philadelphia) Redistricting

I am submitting this testimony to voice my dissatisfaction with the Preliminary Redistricting Map and how it impacts the East Falls neighborhood of Philadelphia (Zip Code 19129). I believe the proposed redistricting is a slap in the face to the people of East Falls. There is no geographic footprint nor demographic construct that supports appending East Falls to West Philadelphia. We are aligned geographically and in spirit with the Philadelphia neighborhoods of Manayunk, Roxborough and Andorra, which are being appended with the neighborhood of Chestnut Hill. East Falls needs to be aligned with Manayunk, Roxborough and Andorra to ensure, at the very least, that the issues surrounding Henry Avenue are addressed in a constructive and mutually beneficial manner. Aligning East Falls with West Philadelphia renders us an orphan and will serve to marginalize us from having a voice in Harrisburg. Thank you for the opportunity to provide this testimony.