"There will be lines" - Disporportionate Leaning

January 14, 2022, Dear Commission, Some of these testifiers from an “organization” supposedly non-partisan are without a doubt partisan leaning and as an observer, it is clearly evident. When you say the proposed state house map is wonderful as it corrects the decades of abuse done to my community by the Republican-drawn map it replaces, sorry the cat is out of the bag, you’ve shown your colors. They are Democrats not even Independents. In my observation, it is disproportionately left-leaning testimony. Maybe 2:1 or 3:1. I do wonder how this disparity in the presenter’s political persuasion could have happened? It is odd to me. I tried ASAP to register for both segments - the first set (Jan 6 and 7) and this second set (Jan 14 and Jan 15). All the time slots both times were – “Registration closed.” One explanation I thought of was some type of advance notification was given to some ahead of others similar to insider trading. This should be forbidden. The general public which includes these groups should all be on equal footing on being made aware when the posting will happen. To not do so allows some who were given advance notice to be there waiting to register as soon as it opens filling all slots. That is unfair. I submitted written testimony. I am only qualified to speak about where I live – Upper Mifflin Township, Cumberland County. I personally like the proposed state rep map connecting me with the Shippensburg area. Chairman Nordenberg made good points in his opening statement today at 11 a.m. on Friday, January 14. I thought he was speaking to people like me – there will be lines and you may not be connected to all your adjacent communities. It is not catastrophic being attached to the Carlisle area that has been in effect for 20 years. We have 1300 or so people in our Township so I think we are an afterthought attached to whatever district needs the numbers. I just love being able to write a comment. Sincerely, Theresa Myers, Upper Mifflin Township, Cumberland County