Keep Horsham Township Whole

I have been a resident of Horsham for the last 26 years. During that time, I have seen the township successfully meet the many challenges it has faced. Fortunately, this didn’t happen by magic. It happened because of the united spirit and energy of all the voters in the 151st District. By splitting the Township, everyone will lose. We will no longer be united to face key issues like water pollution, traffic management and other quality of life issues. These can only successfully be solved when the impact of alternatives are assessed over the whole geographic are of Horsham Township and with input of all the residents. Sadly, dividing the Township will only make It harder if not impossible to satisfactorily meet the needs of all of the residents of Horsham. I strongly urge those involved in the redistricting decision making process to vote to keep the whole of Horsham Township in the 151st District.