Gerrymandered LRC Map

Gerrymandering the voting maps sickens me, the voters need to pick those who are in power, those in power should never be picking their voters. If anything we need MORE competitive districts, this way voices can be heard and every vote will matter. Currently, if you are a voting for party A in a district that is firmly party B your vote effectively doesn't matter, and that is horrible and should be the last thing condoned by anyone in power in a democracy. I fully agree with Representative Staats' conclusion "More than 200,000 residents do not need to be displaced while also making all but two legislative districts uncompetitive and leaving 80% of the voting population at the mercy of the political party bosses’ hand-picked candidates. And the last thing we need is more political polarization. The voters are the firewall that limits political parties from moving to the extremes. By packing the districts for one party or the other, the primaries will dominate the election cycle and you will see more extreme candidates chosen to further erode your representative’s voice. "