Horsham Township Redistricting

My name is Kelly Boetefuer. I’m writing to express my opposition to, and to ask the LRC to reconsider, the proposed redistricting of Horsham Township. constitutional requirement that municipalities not be divided unless absolutely necessary. Horsham Township continues to face unique challenges that require a single voice. There is no better example of this than the decommissioning and redevelopment of the Willow Grove Naval Air Base. The redevelopment of the Air Base has presented our community with so many potential opportunities but has also posed a number of challenges, not the least of which is the PFAS contamination. Because we have a single, undivided voice advocating for our needs, our public water now has undetectable levels of PFCs. Because we have single, undivided representative, our Township did not stop there, but has continued, successfully, to push for more resources to assist our residents with PFC-related issues. There are many more obstacles to overcome before the Base is able to be redeveloped including an extensive infrastructure project that will impact traffic flow throughout the entire Township. Adding a second representative will create competing interests and priorities and will only hinder the process. Having a single, undivided representative will enable projects and resources that benefit all of Horsham Township to continue to move forward. Please keep Horsham Township whole.