Redistricting Maps

Commissioner Mark Nordenberg, First let me thank you for your taking on this most difficult of tasks bringing order, compromise and fairness to the process of redistricting. This is especially true today when our civic discourse is often anything but civil. I cannot attempt to draw a map myself, but have followed the process and as engaged citizen and voter I want to ensure that we stop the obvious gerrymandering and backroom deals protecting incumbents of both parties that have plagued PA districts for years. One of the glaring problems too that has skewed the population numbers has been the counting of prisoners in their prison area rather than their home area. This is wrong and should not be allowed to continue. Although my understanding is that the proposed map for the House is an improvement in balance and competitiveness it still is not as even as it should be. Worse is the Senate map that protects incumbents, and continues a lopsided advantage to Republicans despite the even party divides in the state. This is unacceptable. The criteria for a fair map needs to be recalibrated to bring more competitive districts with a fairer balance in party while keeping the possibility for creating seats that are dominated by diverse and minority populations. It is clear that because of the location of the Rs and Ds in the state, some compromise on compactness will have to be made so districts fairly represent the voter’s parties and make for more competition. We are lucky to have an example of what a good redistricted map should look like in the last Congressional map created by the PA Supreme Court after the legislature attempted to foster a completely gerrymandered map on us. It is clear from the proposed constitutional amendments being proposed in the legislature, that balanced districts will not be accepted by the dominate party. Therefore I urge you to put forth maps that show how fair and just redistricting should look. Thank you again for your sincere service. Mary Goldman Philadelphia