Freedom to vote for representation

I am currently in senate district 44 in Montgomery county. This district is currently gerrymandered but has a roughly 49/51 party split which makes it competitive. Competitive districts moderate candidates because they have to work to represent constituents with different views which makes for better governance. My current district contains are large number of moderate middle class districts and towns very similar to Lower Providence. The proposed new district for Lower Providence has been clearly gerrymandered to favor republicans. It includes a large number of small rural townships north into Bucks county that are not similar at all to the townships that make up the current 44. I want my vote to count, I want fair representation that reflects the community I live in. I want the system to be fairly executed so that the people pick the best person to do the work and this cant be done when the map is built to guarantee a republican seat. I doubt this map would be the same if Mensch had not announced his retirement.