Keep Northampton Together

In reviewing the new PA congressional districting maps, my township- Northampton - is no longer one, with some of us joining Langhorne districts. Our township supervisors have voted to oppose this plan. We have one fire dept, one school system, one police dept. Yet now some of our neighbors will be served by others and part of Langhorne district. Why are you splitting us up? It defies logic. I can only assume the reasons are not from competitiveness but rather party-packing gerrymandering. Proud to be a registered Republican with some common sense, a devotion to competitiveness and a fairness that current party lacks. Proud to be a Bucks County resident whose residents vote either direction - right or left. Competitiveness in politics should be just as important as in other facets of American life. It Brings us together to achieve common good politically. Without it it serves no one accept the politician him - or herself and not his or her constituents.