City of Bethlehem Pa

The proposed changes in redistricting would divide the City of Bethlehem into 2 Senatorial Districts, lumping it with part of Allentown. Since the Bethlehem Area School District encompasses ALL of Bethlehem, and the Allentown SD encompasses ALL of Allentown, and has very different needs and constituents, it makes no sense to divide representation of these areas between Senate Districts. Indeed, It is unconstitutional, as the Constitution clearly states that you do not break up municipalities unless absolutely necessary. Since this district has served the area well in the past, there is no call to change it, except for political partisanship. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THE 18TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. PROVIDE THE CITIES OF BETHLEHEM AND ALLENTOWN EACH WITH THEIR OWN DISTRICTS AND REPRESENTATIVES WHO LIVE ALONGSIDE THEIR CONSTITUENTS.