Reject Proposed Resolution 09/21/2021

Good evening, my name is Monica Banks and I am the Pennsylvania State Organizer for Free the Ballot. I had the pleasure of giving testimony in front of the LRC concerning the importance of ending Prison Gerrymandering. To say I was overjoyed when the LRC made the right decision with Resolution 4A by giving black and brown communities back our political power by ending prison gerrymandering is an understatement. This Resolution affects a lot of diverse communities but especially black and brown communities. So to allow the proposed resolution that Kim Ward is proposing will undo the important work the LRC just achieved but it will also take us back to square one where black and brown communities never trust the system to work for us. The proposed Resolution will not only impact incarcerated individuals but also all of the residents who live in their home districts. How is this fair? When will our rights take precedence? If this Resolution is passed it will show that black and brown communities will never have fair and equitable elections moving forward. I'm not going to sugar coat my feelings, black and brown communities continue to suffer from the selfish decisions of people in power. Things must change for the better and I hope tomorrow the LRC makes the right decision again, not just for me but for the Incarcerated individuals, their families and our black and brown community of voters. It's time to make bold statements when it comes to unfair, discriminatory and impractical practices. Thank You, Monica Banks