Equitable Districts for NW Philly

The bi-partisan commission that proposed new district maps designed to reunite communities across the state that have been arbitrarily divided and better reflect the Commonwealth as it is today appears to have done so in good faith. Although the new maps are a big improvement, the proposed map would merge most of the current 200th district (Mt. Airy/Chestnut Hill), represented by State Rep. Chris Rabb with the 194th district (Roxborough/Manayunk), represented by Rep. Pam DeLissio. Under this proposal, two well-respected incumbents will have to run against each other for the chance to represent a new 194th district that merges two very different communities, widely separated by geography, each with its own shared histories and priorities. Further, the southern half of East and West Mt. Airy will be split off from the rest of Mt Airy to form a new 200th legislative district. This does a disservice to each of these communities and the representatives working on their behalf. Mt Airy has a rich and well documented history of being one of the most diverse and equitable communities in the country and the current proposal dilutes the power of that community to have a voice in the state legislature. Please keep the current 200th district intact.