Lehigh Testimony Follow up

View Map on Dave's Redistricting (https://davesredistricting.org/join/01c1044c-2940-414f-a8c8-fcec75312143)

Mr. Norenberg, I wanted to supplement my testimony with this submission. I have attached the compromise map that I presented. I believe this maps solves all of the major concerns from the Democratic leader, the Republican leader and you. If everyone is interested in the things mentioned (rather than some ulterior motives that haven’t been described), then this compromise map should hit all the major issues. 1. There is no incumbent in the new 14th 2. The map reduces the spit of Allentown down to 6 precincts 3. This map puts 92% of Allentown’s population into 14th 4. The minority influence increases and exceeds 40% 5. Both Allentown High Schools are in the 14th minimizing impact to our kids 6. Adds communities of Interest back to Lehigh County – the municipalities that are most like Allentown and share municipal services. 7. Creates a more Lehigh County Centric seat. 8. It is a “tweak” in that it only impacts three districts 14,16,18 9. It gives the incumbent a path out. In your speech, you mentioned that one of your hopes was to create a new district without an incumbent. The goal is that it would give minorities a better chance of success. In Lehigh County’s 14th, this requirement isn’t that important. While the Republicans latched on to the idea, their goal is to save Pat Browne. If the district is as blue as you are currently suggesting, Browne doesn’t need to be removed from the 14th for minorities to have a shot of winning. Even if he remained an incumbent the D would still have a good shot at winning. You will also note, that as the Republicans are trying to create a single district in Allentown, Bethlehem, they are still giving Pat an exist. Once again, this is not required if the seat is that blue. This is only being done to save the incumbent not to make it easier for minorities. Allentown and Bethlehem are completely different and should not be put into a single district. The cities of Allentown and Bethlehem have no overlapping municipal services. Allentown and its surrounding municipalities (in Lehigh County) do share municipal services, including water and sewer. This is the current district makes no sense. And the district Senator Ward wants to create makes no sense. Senator Ward keeps mentioning the 30 some percent of Hispanics that she can put into a single Bethlehem Allentown district. This is where I was trying to state that I do not believe her intentions are in good faith. We could create a Hispanic district that is 70%, it is just about how much Gerrymandering we are allowing. Allentown and Bethlehem should not be in the same district. Lehigh County has enough population to have a self-contained district. Thank you.

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