Bucks County Senate Redistricting Map

I have lived in Bucks County for 35 years. I and others categorize Bucks County as Upper Bucks, Middle Bucks, and Lower Bucks. There is a Chamber of Commerce for each section of the county, an Instititute of Technology to serve the high schools of Upper, Middle, and Lower Bucks counties, and citizens of each area can readily identify the part of Bucks County in which they reside. It makes sense to divide the Senate Redistricting map as Upper, Middle and Lower Bucks. However, the map is divided by partisan scope. Upper Bucks, a largely Republican area, remains as such. However, sections of Middle and Lower Bucks counties that are largely Democratic and those that are primarily Republican are divided along party lines. Voters living in Warminster have more in common with those living in Newtown, as they share many of the same services, travel along similar roads, shop at the same retailers, yet Warminster and Warrington residents are lumped in with Bristol, and area in which they have less in common. The same holds true for Bristol residents, who use many of the same services as Tullytown residents, yet they are placed in with Warrington and Warminster. The sole reason is to secure the Senate seats of the Democratic candidate Sen. Santisaro while securing the other portion of Bucks County to Republican Sen. Tomlinson. If this is a government "By the People", why not divide the districts as the areas in which the voters identify themselves- ie: Upper, Middle, and Lower Bucks County- then let the people decide on Election Day who will represent them rather than predetermining this by dividing the county along politcal party lines? Thank you for your consideration.