Comment on the Proposed New PA Redistricting Map

I am writing to you to let you know how upsetting it is what you are doing with changing the House districts on the Pennsylvania map. I've lived in Burnham for 25 years and have used the services of the local Representative on occasion. Why would I have to drive from here to Mifflinburg to have an in-person visit to talk to someone? You are making another headache for the Average Joe in our community. I feel like we have no say in this decision.....someone came up with a different map and we have to live with it. I'm upset that we will be losing our representative. Since he lives in his district and knows the people, he is familiar with some of the issues here. If things go your way, we will have a guy who lives in Union County. How will he have time to take care of business that is 45 miles from his office? How is that fair? I feel that you are trying to make it hard for people to connect with their representatives in person. Not everyone has a computer and for that matter, the Amish don't have phones. How could the Legislative Reapportionment Commission use an unelected Leader to cast the tie-breaking vote on the maps? We need government representation more than ever now with the Covid virus. Please take the time to read the people's desire before you finalize the map change. Thank You.