Let's End Redistricting Debates Forever!

Dear Legislative Reapportionment Commission, As a resident of Philadelphia, I have seen many of these redistricting debates. This exercise wastes time, money and resources of the Commonwealth. Politicians, lawyers and judges debate the merits of one map versus another instead of working on other pressing business. And no one feels satisfied once a resolution is finally reached. What if there was a way to eliminate this altogether? No more hearings? No more meetings? No more court cases and waiting for judicial rulings? No more accusations of gerrymandering? I’m going to tell you – I call it the Commonwealth District. What is that? I’ll tell you…it makes ALL of the current districts ONE district that is just the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania itself. Why do that? It makes everything simpler. This also allows all Pennsylvanians to vote for any representative they choose. It increases voting participation. The Commonwealth District also creates competition. Did you know that in 2020 there were 27 unopposed Congressional elections and 42 in 2018 according to 270towin.com? This eliminates the chances of that. It also eliminates any way of gerrymandering. For the House, just use the current county lines. They don’t change, and we already have districts in the counties now. For example, let’s say that in Philadelphia, there are 19 Pennsylvania state house districts. Not anymore with the Commonwealth District plan! There are 19 seats open in Philadelphia County. Everyone in Philadelphia votes for up to 19 state representatives. For the Senate, you have 16 or 17 State Senate seats up for grabs every 2 years, and everyone in Pennsylvania can vote for them! So democratic! Let’s get rid of the districts and all of the fuss about them. Let’s make every district the Commonwealth District today! Thanks, Jayson Massey Philadelphia, PA SOURCES: https://www.270towin.com/news/2020/10/30/uncontested-house-races-no-major-party-opposition_1119.html