There is no way that Senator Pat Brown will be able to give adequate representation to the constituents in the expanded territory in Berks County . The Senator has no prior knowledge of the needs of the expanded territory in Berks County. Senator Argall had his hands on the Pulse of the area he represented in Berks County. Senator Brown will not be able to represent Berks County County fairly because he has no knowledge of the history and demographic's of the region. The area in Berks County that is effected has a very different culture and the constituent's will not be well represented by the redistricting . Northern Berks County residents are aligned with Schuylkill County residents presently. If the pending redistricting would be approved Senator Browns Lehigh County residents and Berks County residents would not be given fair or equal representation. Therefore i oppose this redistricting on the grounds our part of Berks County will be orphan's when it comes to being represented fairly.................... !