
Borough Of Hummelstown Opposes Redistricting Plan It's Not About Moving A Legislative District Line; It’s About Taking Away Our Community’s Voice. Working Together To Keep Hummelstown Part Of The 106th PA House District The 2021 Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission on December 16, 2021 has approved a Preliminary Reapportionment Plan for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. The preliminary plan places Hummelstown Borough in the new 104th legislative district, which removes Hummelstown from the present 106th district. The Council Members of the Borough of Hummelstown strongly oppose the 2021 redistricting of Hummelstown. This change diminishes Hummelstown Borough’s ability to continue to foster relationships with neighboring communities that it has traditionally worked and partnered with in the past. Hummelstown Borough’s planning and economic initiatives focus has been based on growth opportunities to the north, east, and south of the Borough. We have no geographic reach in the western part of the county which has been proposed by the commission. We need your help in challenging the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission plans. Here are three issues that the Borough sees with the proposed plan. 1. The most glaring concern is the Lower Dauphin School District which encompasses our High School, Middle School, District Administration Center, Emotional Support School, and one of five elementary schools has been removed from common representation and connected to the Harrisburg and Central Dauphin School Districts. 2. Derry Township and Hummelstown Borough have a long history of working collaboratively. Our continued growth is fostered by multiple economic and infrastructure improvements which are a result of common communities of interest. These projects help make Hummelstown a better place to live, work, and play and have a direct impact on the tax implications of our community. 3. This is not about moving a legislative district line, but rather it’s about taking away our community’s voice. There is a connectivity that exists and is celebrated with our surrounding communities. The local paper, The Sun, serves Lower Dauphin School District, Derry Township, Middletown, and communities to the east. By redistricting Hummelstown Borough out of the proposed 106 legislative district will result in a disconnect with information in our community. As a concerned citizens from our community, please oppose the preliminary redistricting map that has redrawn Hummelstown Borough out of the 106th PA House District. HOW TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD: · Email the 2021 Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission. Email by Friday January 14, 2022. Click the Link: · Select “Written Testimony” · Title your submission: “Hummelstown” · Under the Applies to tab: select “PA State House District” · Under “Tags” place the word Hummelstown. · Write or copy and paste material below into the link above BY JANUARY 14, 2022. Here Is The Proposed 104 PA House District Map: