Please Fix Gerrymandered Bucks Senate Map

First of all, thank you for allowing citizens to have a voice in this process! I am writing to ask for changes to the Bucks County Senate Districts. While the district in the North part of Bucks County is reasonable, Central and Lower Bucks (10th and 6th Senate districts) look like the “before” picture in a gerrymandering makeover show. During public hearings, Bucks citizens, county experts, and nonpartisan groups made a clear case for creating Bucks Senatorial districts that correspond to the three regions of the county (i.e., Lower, Central and Upper Bucks). The FDPA People’s Map draws the county districts this way, which importantly is how key organizations like our schools and Chambers of Commerce are aligned. This approach ensures that regional economic, environmental, and social interests are represented by Senators who are focused on the needs of that region. So, why did the LRC proposal ignore overwhelming evidence and citizen input? My own 10th Senate district in the LRC proposal circles around Central and Lower Bucks – from Plumsteadville to Bristol – in a way that defies common sense and increases partisan advantage in that district. What I value as an Independent is competition and choice, which is the antithesis of “safe seats”. In fact, one of the many wonderful aspects of living in Bucks County is that our elections are typically very competitive. Politicians have put in the work and display competence in order to earn my vote. Additionally, competitive races lead to Bucks electing more moderate and consensus-building politicians, which is just the kind of legislator we need to restore functionality in Harrisburg. I’d ask the LRC to take a good hard look at the potential for partisan shenanigans and incumbent protection plans, whether in Bucks or elsewhere. Both parties play this game relentlessly at the expense of voters, and the LRC must act as a watchdog rather than an enabler. As you know, gerrymandered districts reduce voter choice, stifle competition, and lead to a more polarized and less productive legislature. That is the last thing Pennsylvania needs given the many important problems our state faces – problems that can only be solved by legislators working together on common sense solutions. Once again, thank you for listening and I trust the LRC to act with integrity, putting citizens over politicians!