Senate-need more consideration of population shift

I would like to express my immense disappointment at the PA Senate's general lack of attention to the population issues that have been raised around redistricting. Despite a resolution providing for reallocation of prison data and despite significant population shifts from North Central to Southeast PA (where I reside), overall representation in the proposed map would not shift or become more reflective of the PA population. All Pittsburgh districts (where my daughter will be attending college in 2022) and many districts in southwest and central PA are well below the ideal population, while districts in Philadelphia and other Southeast PA counties have deviations far above that number. My understanding is that in effect, the map as drawn dilutes the voting power of our fastest growing regions and maintains voting power in regions that have lost population. If true this does not represent fair representation. I respectfully request the Senate members make another attempt at drawing the redistricting maps, giving this concern higher priority than is reflected in the current LRC plan. Thank you, Martha Gopal