Juniata and Mifflin Counties

I am a resident of Juniata County and have two comments or concerns regarding the proposed legislative reapportionment. First: keep Juniata County whole; our community spirit, core values and desires are best represented via a singular legislative voice. Please reconsider removal of Northeastern Juniata County from the proposed (predominate) 86th legislative district. Second: a long 190-year symbiotic relationship survives between Juniata and Mifflin Counties. The Juniata Valley Chamber of Commerce embraces and equally advocates Mifflin and Juniata as one unit. An example of this community spirit is the annual Goose Day celebration held across the counties. Juniata and Mifflin Counties share infrastructure supporting numerous Health and Welfare functions for the aging, ill and homebound. Shared infrastructure also exists for correctional facilities and state police support. These long-standing social and commercial connections do not exist between Juniata and Perry Counties - the revised 86th district. I am fearful the cohesive relationship between Mifflin and Juniata may erode, and eventually fracture, through distributed legislative representation. Please try to maintain the current Juniata Valley 82nd Legislative House District as much as possible.