October 13th - Legislative Reapportionment Commission Holds a Public Hearing
Wednesday, October 13, 2021 | Hearing Room #1, North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA
The Legislative Reapportionment Commission holds a seventh public hearing to explore legislative redistricting issues affecting racial and other minority populations, including concerns under the Federal Voting Rights Act, with testimony from invited experts (Agenda, Transcript). Watch the meeting.
The Voting Rights Act and Issues Affecting Racial and Other Minorities:
Ben Williams, Esquire
Program Principal, Elections & Redistricting Program, National Conference of State Legislatures
-- Overview of the Voting Rights Act (Testimony) -
Dr. David Lublin
Professor and Chair, Department of Government, American University
-- Drawing Effective Minority Districts (Testimony) -
Dr. Trey Hood
Professor of Political Science at the University of Georgia and Director of the Survey Research Center
-- The Impact of the Voting Rights Act on Legislative Redistricting (Testimony) -
Dr. Matt Baretto
Professor of Political Science, University of California Los Angeles
-- Creating Coalition Districts to Enhance the Representation of Minorities -
Victor Martinez
CEO of VP Broadcasting and the host El Relajo de la Mañana
-- Dynamics of the Lehigh Valley Hispanic Community -
Will Gonzalez
Executive Director, CEIBA
-- Hispanic Communities: Their Growing Influence in the Philadelphia Area (Testimony) -
Bishop Dwayne Royster
Executive Director, POWER Interfaith, Philadelphia
-- The Effect of Gerrymandering on Minority Communities of Interest -
Linda J. Miller
Member of PA Cohort for Redistricting for Delta Sigma Theta
-- The Effect of Gerrymandering on Minority Communities of Interest (Testimony)
*** UPDATED 01/20/2022 ***
October 14, 2021